barectf CLI tool usage

barectf ships with the barectf command-line interface (CLI) tool.

General synopses

Run a barectf command:


Print the version of barectf:

barectf [--version]

Print brief general help:

barectf [--help]

General description

The barectf tool offers a Git-like user interface with the following available commands:


Generates the C source and CTF metadata stream files of a tracer from a YAML configuration file.


Prints the effective version of a YAML configuration file.


Prints the major version (2 or 3) of a YAML configuration file.

General options


Print brief general help and exit.


Print the version of barectf and exit.

generate command


Generate files from a YAML configuration file:

barectf generate [--prefix=PREFIX] [--metadata-dir=MDIR]
                 [--headers-dir=HDIR] [--code-dir=CDIR]
                 [--ignore-include-not-found] CONFIG-PATH

Print command’s brief help:

barectf generate --help

Command name aliases

  • gen


The barectf generate command reads the YAML configuration file CONFIG-PATH to produce:

File name Description


The CTF metadata stream file.


The generated tracer’s public C header file.


Internal macros for the generated tracer (included by FPREFIX.c).


The generated tracer’s C source code.

See Build the generated C source code to learn how to build the C source which the generate command produces.

In the list above, FPREFIX is:

Without the --prefix option
If the CONFIG-PATH file has a file name prefix option

The CONFIG-PATH file’s file name prefix option.



With the --prefix option

PREFIX, without trailing underscores.

For example, if PREFIX is my_tracer_, then FPREFIX is my_tracer.

By default, MDIR, HDIR, and CDIR are the current working directory. Use the --metadata-dir, --headers-dir, and --code-dir to specify other output directories.

Therefore, by default, the generate command writes the metadata, barectf.h, barectf-bitfield.h, and barectf.c files to the current working directory.

If you use the --prefix option, then all the public C identifiers in FPREFIX.h and FPREFIX.c begin with PREFIX. Otherwise, they begin with:

If the CONFIG-PATH file has an identifier prefix option

The CONFIG-PATH file’s identifier prefix option.



Add directories to be searched into for inclusion files before the default inclusion directories with the repeatable --include-dir option.

By default, if barectf can’t find an inclusion file while processing the CONFIG-PATH file, the command prints an error and exits with a non-zero status. Force barectf generate to continue silently instead with its --ignore-include-not-found option.



Write the C source file to the directory CDIR instead of the current working directory.


Write C header files to the directory HDIR instead of the current working directory.


Print the generate command’s brief help and exit.


Continue to process the CONFIG-PATH file when inclusion files are not found.


Add IDIR to the list of directories to be searched into for inclusion files before the default inclusion directories.

The default inclusion directories are:

  1. The current working directory.

  2. The directory containing the standard partial YAML files (like stdint.yaml).


Write the CTF metadata stream file to the directory MDIR instead of the current working directory.


Override the default or CONFIG-PATH file’s file and identifier prefixes with:

File name prefix

PREFIX, without trailing underscores.

Identifier prefix


PREFIX must be a valid C identifier.

The default file name prefix is barectf.

The default identifier prefix is barectf_.

show-effective-configuration command


Show the effective version of a YAML configuration file:

barectf show-effective-configuration [--include-dir=IDIR]…​
        [--ignore-include-not-found] CONFIG-PATH

Print command’s brief help:

barectf show-effective-configuration --help

Command name aliases

  • show-effective-config

  • show-effective-cfg


The barectf show-effective-configuration command reads the YAML configuration file CONFIG-PATH and prints an equivalent, effective YAML configuration.

See the processing stages of a YAML configuration file to learn what an effective configuration is.

Moreover, the show-effective-configuration command validates the CONFIG-PATH file. In other words, if the command exits with status 0, the generate command using the same options and CONFIG-PATH file would also succeed.

Add directories to be searched into for inclusion files before the default inclusion directories with the repeatable --include-dir option.

By default, if barectf can’t find an inclusion file while processing the CONFIG-PATH file, the command prints an error and exits with a non-zero status. Force barectf show-effective-configuration to continue silently instead with its --ignore-include-not-found option.



Print the show-effective-configuration command’s brief help and exit.


Continue to process the CONFIG-PATH file when inclusion files are not found.


Add IDIR to the list of directories to be searched into for inclusion files before the default inclusion directories.

The default inclusion directories are:

  1. The current working directory.

  2. The directory containing the standard partial YAML files (like stdint.yaml).

show-configuration-version command


Show a YAML configuration file's version:

barectf show-configuration-version CONFIG-PATH

Print command’s brief help:

barectf show-configuration-version --help

Command name aliases

  • show-config-version

  • show-cfg-version


The barectf show-configuration-version command reads the YAML configuration file CONFIG-PATH and prints its version, which is either 2 or 3.

The show-configuration-version does not validate the CONFIG-PATH file like the show-effective-configuration command does.



Print the show-configuration-version command’s brief help and exit.

Exit status



Not 0
